Recording 'Highrise Lonesome'
at New Wine Studio in California.

New Wine Studio

The studio control room

High desert style landscaping

Janet and Sue's little cabin motorhome on the hill

Sue with Chris Stuart, rhythm guitarist extraordinaire

Janet at the controls

Eric and Stacey Uglum's son Eddie, the studio mascot

Chris Stuart and Janet Beasley

Dean Knight, got you on my mind

Eric Uglum hard at work

Paul Shelasky equally hard at work

The Nashville Number system in action

There's lots to read in the studio library

Starting the mastering program

Mastering underway

Superman (aka Eddie Uglam) says 'good job'

Eric jamming with sons Austin (on bass), Edwin, and Christian (on fiddle)

At Janet's house in San Juan Capistrano - nice weather for October 31st!

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